Author Archives: Stephen D. Haner

About Stephen D. Haner

Stephen D. Haner is Senior Fellow for State and Local Tax Policy at the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. He may be reached at [email protected].

Youngkin Prevents Two Tax Increases, Will Still Sign Record State Budget

After much political theater, the Virginia General Assembly and Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) have now compromised on a $188 billion state budget based simply on the revenue projected from current tax law, with neither tax hikes nor tax reductions.  Making those revenue projections … Continue reading

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Youngkin Budget 2.0 Meets Democrat Demands, Except Demand to Raise Taxes

The fight that is about to occur at the Assembly’s reconvened session on Wednesday is entirely about taxes, not about spending. An analysis of Governor Glenn Youngkin’s proposed compromise budget – done by the Democrats’ favorite financial bean counters, not … Continue reading

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The Sausage Factory Produces a Digital Sales Tax with Little Explanation or Debate

The Virginia General Assembly has now jumped into the brave new world of taxing the digital economy, but the sales tax provisions it adopted in the budget conference report Saturday are not the same ones that appeared in earlier budget versions. The … Continue reading

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Two Big Tax Hikes Still Alive at Assembly, But Governor’s Tax Cut Package Has Failed

Governor Glenn Youngkin’s package of proposed tax changes is now stalled in both the Virginia Senate and the House of Delegates. A House subcommittee spiked it Feb. 5 and then dashed other bills imposing major tax increases on higher income Virginians. Of … Continue reading

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General Assembly Fills SCC Vacancies but Doubles Down on Bad Energy Laws

The General Assembly has now filled the two open seats at the State Corporation Commission (SCC), ending two years of gridlock. Unfortunately, the same legislators, on both sides of the aisle, are still working overtime to dictate and micromanage the state’s … Continue reading

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