Monthly Archives: September 2018

VA CPA's Say Conform, Hold Tax Funds for Later

The Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants (VSCPA) Monday called on the 2019 Virginia General Assembly to conform Virginia tax with recent federal changes, to track and sequester the hundreds of millions of dollars in higher taxes thus generated and … Continue reading

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E-ZPass Still Not Inter-operable, Two Years After Deadline

Since the advent of electronic toll collection, toll agencies have been pushing for nationwide inter-operability. Inter-operability allows a toll road user with an account in one state to use that tolling technology on toll roads in a different state. In … Continue reading

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The Nation of Kiribati Is Growing, Not Sinking

(Editor’s note: One of the problems today is that journalism has become advocacy in too many cases. This is a sad commentary since the readers deserve to receive reasonably accurate “news” and the opinion page should be just that. This … Continue reading

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Virginia and the Next Global Debt Crisis

Ten years ago the Lehman Brothers debacle precipitated the financial meltdown we associate with the Great Recession, and the financial media are full of retrospectives. A key question is what lessons we learned from the epic failure. The main conclusion … Continue reading

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Here’s why it matters which government agency regulates fake meat

Will the primary regulator of cell-cultured products (fake meat) be the Food and Drug Administration or the U.S. Department of Agriculture? The answer could make a big difference to the future of agriculture. The ‘sustainable’ meat folks believe they will have an … Continue reading

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