The Stealth Tax Increase that Remains in the Virginia Budget

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While there has been much celebration at the passage of a new $188 billion biennial budget for Virginia, this deal would not have been possible had there not been close to $1.06 billion in higher-than-expected tax revenue ($1.2 billion by the end of the year) to cover the massive spending increases sought by the Democrats in the General Assembly. This bonus revenue allowed Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) to achieve his goal that taxes not be raised, and Democrats to get their demand that spending be dramatically increased. It is like magic! What no one is discussing is the source of this “magic” revenue. It is not just from a growing economy. Put simply, there is a “stealth tax” in Virginia that is leading to an increased tax burden for Virginia residents, and thus, higher revenue for the Commonwealth’s appropriators. This stealth tax is the bracket creep that occurs with higher inflation when the tax code does not index their brackets, deductions, and exemptions to account for that inflation. Virginia and sixteen other states with graduated income tax schedules, do not adjust those brackets for inflation. Thus, as inflation pushes wages nominally higher, taxpayers get pushed into higher tax brackets even though their purchasing power has gone down. Unindexed deductions and personal exemptions add to the problem. Standard deductions lose value with inflation. If the deduction does not increase with rising costs due to inflation, taxpayers get less tax relief, effectively raising their taxable income. Inflation also increases the government’s take from real estate and motor vehicle taxes, based on fair market values, but local governments can and often do reduce those tax rates to minimize the impact on their citizens. The state has proven far less likely to do that with its income tax collections, or its own taxes based on property values. Inflation results in a massive tax increase. Fortunately, in the previous two years, as inflation has skyrocketed under President Biden, Governor Youngkin with bipartisan support has been able to return a large portion of this “overpayment” of taxes due to inflation to taxpayers in the form of tax rebates. The standard deduction has also been raised, but the changes only compensated for prior inflation. It is already eroding again.  Personal exemption amounts and the tax brackets were not adjusted. The newly elected General Assembly, with Democrats in control of both chambers, had no interest in returning this overpayment to taxpayers as sought by Governor Youngkin, instead opted to use these funds to increase government spending. From across-the-board teacher and government employee pay increases, reduced tolls in Hampton Roads, and increased mental health spending — the added revenue without an explicit tax increase gave the appearance of “free money” that allowed this spending spree by the General Assembly. Without action, this stealth tax will only get worse. Just yesterday, the Labor Department reported that wholesale prices (PPI) jumped to their highest level of the year. Today, it is expected that the consumer price index will also show a higher-than-expected increase. These numbers will almost guarantee even more surpluses, leading to even greater spending unless Virginia reforms its tax code. Inflation impacts the poor the most as they spend a greater percentage of their income on essential goods like food, rent, and utilities – where cutting back is impossible. The wealthy can merely cut back on non-essential items to account for price increases, the poor cannot. Compounding this issue for the poor is the added taxes they face as the value of their deductions is reduced by inflation, and as their added wages to make up for inflation push them into higher tax brackets. There is a joint tax policy subcommittee that the Democratic-controlled legislature established in 2021 to review potential changes in the tax code.  So far it has been inactive, but the new budget included language directing it to begin work on exploring revenue options and needs, with a reporting deadline of November 1, 2024. Of concern is the following paragraph:
4. The Joint Subcommittee shall explore efforts to modernize the Commonwealth’s income and sales and use taxes during the 2024 interim. The goals and objectives shall include: (i) evaluating existing sales and use tax exemptions; (ii) applying sales and use tax to digital goods and services, including transactions involving businesses; (iii) evaluating efforts to increase the progressivity of the income tax; (iv) and long-term revenue growth to maintain core government services.
Sen. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth), who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, highlighted this effort in her remarks after the passage of the budget. She and others wish to ensure there is enough revenue for their growing list of spending priorities – including an economically destructive expansion of the sales tax to “business to business” digital transactions. She and fellow Democrats may be worried the next President will break the inflation cycle and the “stealth tax” will stop producing its bumper crop. Before any new tax is considered, the existing code should be indexed so that taxes are more transparent to taxpayers, the true value of deductions remains consistent and any new spending requires either a booming economy or a tax increase properly approved by legislators and our governor.
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Youngkin Prevents Two Tax Increases, Will Still Sign Record State Budget

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After much political theater, the Virginia General Assembly and Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) have now compromised on a $188 billion state budget based simply on the revenue projected from current tax law, with neither tax hikes nor tax reductions.  Making those revenue projections slightly more optimistic eased the path.

With both sides backing off their desire to change the tax rules, it became clear there was less controversy over how to spend the state’s money in the new biennial budget from July 2024 to June 2026. The top shared priorities of legislators in both parties include education, public employee salaries and benefits, transportation, and capital improvements. Medicaid is also a huge budget growth driver which the Assembly really does not control.

The Democrats in the majority in both chambers will celebrate that the plan achieves the spending they included in the budget they passed in March. Youngkin will celebrate that it did so without either the sales tax or carbon tax provisions that budget included. His success looks even more impressive when you recall the two other major tax hikes Democrats approved and he vetoed, one to impose a massive payroll tax and the other to allow localities to hike the general sales tax.

With a slight hint of sour grapes, a budget summary from the House Appropriations Committee opens with: “The adoption of the digital economy modernization was not driven by a systematic look at Virginia’s tax structure.” That is a euphemism for the expansion of the state’s sales tax to digital transactions, which just a few weeks ago was deemed by Democrats to be vital to the Commonwealth’s future.

The idea is hardly dead. One provision in this final budget, which was not included in previous versions, directs a 12-member legislative study committee to revisit the digital tax. It is also directed to review “existing sales and use tax exemptions” and evaluate “efforts to increase the progressivity of the income tax.” The goal is a tax package with some actual consensus behind it to consider in 2025.

There is no effort in the document to rationalize the Democrats’ decision to abandon their push to return Virginia to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which imposes a carbon tax on electricity. Presumably, as with the digital sales tax, including that was a deal killer and veto magnet for Governor Youngkin.

More telling is this. Democrats did not apply any of the additional “found” revenue used to balance the budget to cover the existing programs funded by RGGI tax money. Perhaps they are not as high among their priorities as they claim, bound to infuriate those enriched by RGGI dollars. RGGI has always been more about money than any climate concerns.

What remains in the budget is still a massive spending increase over previous years, fueled in large part by inflation and by the lingering residue of the federal pandemic spending explosion. Both the 2022 and 2023 General Assemblies approved bipartisan tax reductions, mainly by raising the standard deduction on the income tax. Tax revenue has continued to grow.

When the Assembly adopted a similar budget two years ago, it assumed general fund revenue (after the tax reductions) of just under $25 billion for Fiscal Year 2023. The projection for general funds in Fiscal Year 2026 is now $30.3 billion, a 22% increase in three years.

Despite that growth, the general fund (income and sales taxes) continues to be a shrinking percentage of the overall state budget. The non-general fund portion – federal funds, transportation taxes and fees, college tuition and fees – is now almost two-thirds of the total. All take additional dollars out of people’s pockets because of inflation, and all may continue to grow faster than even this budget assumes.

Perhaps by the time of next year’s budget amendments, and certainly in the 2-year budget developed after the 2025 election, the bottom line will be over $200 billion. And that budget summary document written by the Democrats on the money committee predicts “additional funding could be needed…to expand upon current initiatives and revamp the K-12 funding system.”

To their credit, Democrats have now laid out a legislative pathway to give all concerned a chance to be heard. Previous tax reviews have sputtered out and produced no changes, but this one might prove energetic. When major changes have happened, they result because somebody – usually a governor, but it can be legislators – has done the hard work of building consensus.

Some version of the digital sales tax expansion is in Virginia’s future, as more of the economy moves online. Many, but not all, other states have adopted some version of this tax. Most, however, have been careful about the taxes they have imposed on digital business transactions. What the Democrats were recently pushing was overly broad in its application, broad enough to raise concerns it would make Virginia uncompetitive.

It will be easier to convince Virginians to accept the new digital taxes if they are coupled with some level of income tax reduction, which is how Governor Youngkin sought to proceed in his original budget proposal. The Thomas Jefferson Institute’s top priority remains indexing the tax code to inflation, so that brackets and deductions automatically rise with the cost of living. That would check the box of making the tax more progressive.

Even if this new legislative effort at consensus fails to produce a successful package of tax changes for the 2025 session, the issue will become a central debate in the 2025 election season. This is appropriate as voters should ultimately decide if taxes are too low, too high, or just right.

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Convenience Stores Will Continue to Flourish Without Skill Games

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In today’s Roanoke Times, Thomas Jefferson Institute President Derrick Max rebutted the false claim that convenience stores will have to close if Governor Youngkin doesn’t approve the expansion of skill games into convenience stores across the Commonwealth.

Max wrote (links added below are not in printed version): While all retail outlets experienced a decline during COVID-19, unlike other outlets, convenience stores have rebounded well. The total number of convenience stores has increased by 1.5 percent in each of the last two years, while grocery stores have experienced a 0.7 percent decline. 

According to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), only seven states experienced a decline in the number of convenience stores last year, Virginia was not one of them. Convenience stores experienced record sales in 2023. Average spending per visit increased 3.7 percent.  

…even accounting for inflation, increased wages, and shrinkage, in-store convenience store sales still showed real growth. Convenience stores are healthy and will thrive with or without the added revenue of skill games. 

Max went on to highlight the predatory nature of these games: The reality of the link between gaming and the poor is well known to, and even exploited by the skill games industry. 

A recent ProPublica report on gaming machines in Illinois found that as the average income of a locality decreased, the average number of machines in that area increased. 

For example, video game terminals were plentiful in the low-income African American community of Harvey, yet in the wealthier and whiter nearby Palos Park, no machines were found. This is the definition of predatory.

Philadelphia is banning these games because of their negative impact on the poor, and Illinois is learning that the promised boost in state revenue is mostly offset by decreases in tax revenue from casinos and the sale of lottery tickets and scratch-offs. If one accounted for the increases in welfare and housing support, skill game revenue would decline even further.

Governor Youngkin was right to significantly amend the skill game legislation, but members of the General Assembly weren’t willing to compromise. Governor Youngkin should now veto this bill outright. Skill games are bad for the community, are predatory on the poor, and are not essential to the survival of the healthy convenience store market.

Read Derrick Max’s timely and insightful commentary in the Roanoke Times by clicking here. Because this is behind a paywall, please email [email protected] if you want a copy sent to you separately.

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Youngkin Budget 2.0 Meets Democrat Demands, Except Demand to Raise Taxes

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The fight that is about to occur at the Assembly’s reconvened session on Wednesday is entirely about taxes, not about spending.

An analysis of Governor Glenn Youngkin’s proposed compromise budget – done by the Democrats’ favorite financial bean counters, not by conservatives – confirms his budget comes extremely close to the spending levels Democrats approved at the end of the General Assembly.  The gap compared to the $188 billion overall budget is little more than a rounding error.

For K-12 education, the gap between the two budgets is a few hundred million dollars out of an overall education budget of $24 billion. As you review the list of detailed comparisons made by the Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis, item after item is the same as in the budget approved in March. That includes funding for healthy teacher and state employee raises the Democrats were so proud to include.

In other cases where the Democrats expanded spending, the Governor accepted 50-75% of what they approved. He pays for some capital projects with debt instead of cash and utilizes money from the Literary Fund for retirement premiums, both legal and common strategies used in the budget for decades. Governors of both parties have done those often.

On the other hand, while the General Assembly refused $1 billion in new discretionary spending sought by the Governor, he is seeking to restore just $230 million of it, mostly in education and economic development.

If Democrats refuse all or most of the Governor’s 242 proposed budget amendments, it will be because they want to hold the Virginia state government hostage to a potential shutdown for a tax increase.

The major tax hike the Democrats included in their budget and seek to restore is an expansion of the sales tax to digital goods and services, including purchases by Virginia businesses.

Even with that tax stripped out, and previous tax changes in 2022 and 2023, Youngkin’s budget 2.0 is 52% larger than the $123 billion overall budget Democrats approved four years ago when they had total control. The General Fund portion has grown 45% in just four years, from $44 to $64 billion. Yet the political left and its allies are exploding in rage that he is “slashing crucial funds” and “jeopardizing the future of our children.”

Faced with a budget based on a tax increase he opposed, the Governor had several options. He could have vetoed the budget entirely, forcing a special session to write a new one. He could have vetoed the sections that imposed the tax, likely to spark a test in court over the extent of his veto powers. He could have put all his proposals into a Governor’s Substitute, leaving the Assembly with just one vote to take on the whole package.

By offering his budget objections as a series of amendments, he took a path that makes it possible to adopt a budget on time.  This path also leaves the Governor the ability to review the results of the reconvened session before deciding whether to sign the budget or opt to issue a veto. The Governor’s approach retains flexibility for both him and the legislature.

While there is a dizzying total of 233 amendments, plus nine to House Bill 29 amending the budget for the current fiscal year, not all of them are likely to be equally important to the Governor. Some are technical changes or even corrections. Others are policy issues he cares about, but perhaps not so important that he will veto the budget just because they fail to pass.

One dilemma Democrats might create for him – one easy to predict – is to agree with the Governor and dump the digital sales tax but reject his attempt to remove language related to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. To rejoin RGGI means the related carbon tax on electricity is also restored.

And while Youngkin vetoed two bills that create the opportunity for additional local sales taxes for schools, following a referendum, both passed with enough votes to override that veto. If that override happens, complaints about the schools being underfunded become even more ludicrous, and a continued budget standoff is even more inexcusable.

Unfortunately, these budget standoffs have become so commonplace in Virginia that the public is bored with them, not paying attention, and the mainstream media coverage of the Assembly is a whisper of previous years. The assumption is somebody will blink, and disaster will be averted. To assume that this time would be a mistake. The atmosphere is pure poison compared to past disputes.

The liberal group that did the budget comparison, the Commonwealth Institute, is a good example. The numbers on their spreadsheet appear accurate, but the rhetoric accompanying it is pure partisan gamesmanship. In December, when Democrats were pushing income tax increases in committee, that group strongly attacked any attempt to raise or expand the sales tax as regressive, tougher on the poor. They were correct about its disparate impact. Now they claim it was a good idea all along.

And the same press release points to a grand total of $174 million in discrepancies between the Governor’s proposal and the approved Assembly budget (this was before they had done their spreadsheet.) While both the Governor’s proposal and the Assembly proposal represent major spending increases over the current budget, the slight disparities in his plan are presented as “harmful cuts.” A budget fully $25 billion larger in just a single two-year cycle, and $65 billion larger than four years ago, is dismissed as riddled by “cuts.”

Nothing is cut. The Democrats just want to raise taxes to spend more. That will be why Virginia employee pay and retirement checks and state services are threatened after July 1, should reason not override partisanship this week.

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Virginia’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Act Deserves a Veto 

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Sitting on Governor Youngkin’s desk is a paid family and medical leave bill that would provide eight weeks of paid leave per year for most employees in the Commonwealth. The program would pay employees 80 percent of their weekly salary up to an amount equal to 80 percent of the regional average salary for their qualified leave. Interestingly, teachers, state employees, and constitutional officers are not covered under this program — presumably, these employees already have paid leave benefits and the General Assembly did not want to tax their allies.

The arguments against mandatory paid family and medical leave policies are well known. First, mandated paid leave increases leave usage — thus harming firm productivity, particularly in smaller businesses where absent employees have a far greater negative impact. Second, studies show that mandated leave has a negative impact on female workers, who are more likely to use time off to care for children or aging parents, especially if that leave is paid. This fact is surely considered during hiring and promotion considerations. Third, mandated paid leave limits the ability of employees to choose wages or other benefits they may value more than paid leave. In fact, the taxes used to cover paid leave are an employment tax that reduces employment and puts downward pressure on wages.

In addition to these practical concerns about implementing a mandatory paid leave program, the bill passed in Virginia is far worse than most such bills. The bill on Governor Youngkin’s desk will require a new 250-person agency, that would initially collect a .66 percent tax on employment divided between employees and employers. While the tax is technically divided, economic studies show that employers typically pass on the “incidence” of their portion of the tax to employees through lower wages over time.

It is also important to note that the Virginia bill will tax all wages up to the Social Security Wage Cap which is $168,600. Thus high-wage workers will pay $1,113 per year, while low-income workers ($30,000 per year) will pay $200 per year with very little difference in benefits. By comparison, several states cap the taxable wage at half the Social Security cap. Additionally, most of the 13 states with mandatory leave have a lower tax-to-benefit ratio and the ones that use private insurance to operate their program have far greater benefits at much lower costs without having to fund a massive government agency.

The taxes collected under this new paid leave program would be used to pay an estimated $1.4 billion into a “Family and Medical Leave Trust Fund” needed to cover first-year leave benefits and the $33 million needed to pay for the annual cost of reviewing claims and doling out the new leave benefits. This, it turns out, is a difficult process. In Oregon, where they have a similar program it takes months for employees to get their leave reimbursements, putting employees at great risk. Because it will take two years to set up this massive new agency, the bill authorizes a loan of $100 million to cover start-up costs to be paid back by 2032 (the bill estimates that they will borrow $70 million next year, and $30 million the following year).

According to the official fiscal impact statement for this bill, by 2030 (just four years after it is created), this program will begin paying out more in benefits ($1.834 billion) than it collects in tax revenue ($1.686 billion) — meaning the trust fund will have an annual deficit of over $148 million in 2030 ($181.5 million if you add in annual operating costs). Using conservative estimates, without added taxes, this means the trust fund would run actual deficits by 2038. Of course, the legislation requires the trust fund to be fully funded at 140 percent of the prior year’s expenditures, meaning those who wrote this bill knew that taxes would need to be raised to meet its obligations. In short, the .66 percent tax in the bill is the camel under the tent that legislatures know is not nearly enough to fund this program over the long term. Within five years, taxes will have to grow to 1 percent, and within ten years to 1.25 percent of payroll.

Of course, the above assumes the benefits under this act remain the same. This is not likely. The original bill provided 12 weeks of paid leave, a month more than is included in the final version sitting on the Governor’s desk. As with most entitlements, supporters often pass a lower benefit bill knowing that once the program is in place, they can grow it over time. The intent of the authors is clear, 12 weeks of paid leave per year is their goal.

What is lost in this current debate is that just two years ago, Virginia implemented a provision to allow for private insurance to cover wages during family and medical leave. This was a reasonable approach to build on the large number of employers who already provide paid leave to their employees privately. The law made it easier to expand such leave benefits to small and medium businesses through an insurance instrument, without a massive new government agency and risky new government trust fund. Last year, AFLAC was the first company to be approved as a seller of this new insurance instrument.

This was the right approach, as most employees already have paid leave options as reported recently by the Cato Institute. Because these programs are not mandated “one size fits all” benefits, they are tailored to the needs of individual employers with their employees as a part of broader benefits packages. The danger of mandated paid family and medical leave is that it will limit flexibility and harm small employers who can not afford to have employees take extended leave. Worse yet, many large businesses may opt to end their more generous private leave plans because of the complexity of getting their plans approved as an alternative to the government-mandated program.

Governor Youngkin should veto this bill — and allow the private market to continue to close the gap in paid leave benefits through private insurance and employer-employee benefit negotiations. The Democrat’s dystopian view of employers as unwilling or unable to help accommodate the needs of their employees without the heavy hand of government is backward thinking.

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