Author Archives: Christian Braunlich

About Christian Braunlich

Chris Braunlich is Co-President and CEO of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, Virginia’s non-partisan public policy foundation. He was appointed by Governor Bob McDonnell to the Virginia State Board of Education, where his colleagues elected him president of the Board.

Will The Left Repudiate This Evil?

“You dance with the one who brung ya” goes one of the oldest sayings in politics. It means that when elected officials get into public office, they vote with those who helped put them there. The deadly Hamas attack on … Continue reading

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To Win Policy, Is it Time Conservatives Invested in Infrastructure?

Governor Glenn Youngkin can take satisfaction from passage of the long-delayed Virginia budget. As my colleague, Steve Haner points out, during his term of office Youngkin’s fight to increase the standard deduction will save the average Virginia couple up to $1,265 … Continue reading

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Return of “The Stupid Party”

From the ‘50s to the mid-‘70s, the Republican Party was known as “the stupid party” – locked in the past, making foolish decisions, promoting unwise and counterproductive policies. Today, in Virginia, “the stupid party” has returned. But it is no … Continue reading

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Other States Have Updated How Schools Are Funded: Why Can’t Virginia?

In an August 1 commentary published in The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Thomas Jefferson Institute Senior Advisor and former President Chris Braunlich looks at the recent education funding report issued by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission. He examines more closely … Continue reading

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Other States Have Updated How Schools Are Funded: Why Can’t Virginia?

In an August 1 commentary published in The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Thomas Jefferson Institute Senior Advisor and former President Chris Braunlich looks at the recent education funding report issued by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission. He examines more closely … Continue reading

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