Category Archives: Taxes

Don’t Let Partisanship Stop Serious Tax Reform

The American linguist Yogi Berra once said of a New York City restaurant: “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.” Overcrowding, however, isn’t what motivates a move to a state (or from a state). Those decisions are inspired by robust economic activity, jobs for … Continue reading

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Successful Tax Reform Requires Allies and a Path Through the Mines

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Governor Glenn Youngkin’s administration had its first formal discussion with Virginia’s local governments about eliminating their car tax collections two days after he announced it publicly. The General Assembly convenes Wednesday and if there is a … Continue reading

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Tomorrow’s Ballot Question: Will Virginia Become Illinois?

It was reported this week that billionaire Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker had made substantial campaign contributions totaling $250,000 to four liberal Democrats running for Virginia State Senate and the Democratic Party of Virginia.  These donations, made through Governor Pritzker’s “Think Big America” … Continue reading

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Tax Reductions Under Youngkin Have Been Significant

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) and the legislators of both parties who have given him at least some of the tax reforms he asked for need to stop being shy and take a real victory lap. He has been in office less … Continue reading

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Virginians Want Their Change Back

The latest preliminary figures from the Virginia Department of Revenue put the current general fund budget surplus at more than $5.1 billion for fiscal year 2023, which ended June 30. This is more than double the $1.94 billion surplus the commonwealth posted in 2022. … Continue reading

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