Category Archives: Feature
Thoughts on High-Speed Rail
Despite this author’s affinity for rail, studies indicate that shifting people from other modes to HSR has very small impact on emissions and oil use, does not do much to stimulate economic development, and can only be said to work well in very select circumstances. Continue reading
NEPA's Effect on Farmers
Twenty five years ago federal regulatory agencies, including EPA and USDA, did not heed the advice of the scientific community which said do not subject products of biotechnology “…to special, discriminatory government regulation.” Because this advice was not heeded, NEPA … Continue reading
Do Roads Pay for Themselves?
The Public Interest Research Group sure doesn’t think so, but the numbers seem to argue just the opposite. Continue reading
Is Carbon Dioxide a Dangerous Pollutant?
The EPA says yes, but I don’t think so. And I recently came across a book arguing that increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 may actually benefit the earth’s many life forms. Continue reading
Homebuilders Starting to See Glimmers of Hope
Initial unemployment claims for construction workers in the Richmond metro area dropped to 740 claimants in December 2010 from 1,107 the previous year. As a leading indicator, this suggests homebuilding is showing signs of picking up. Continue reading